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My Journey.....

For the last 12 years I have dedicated my life to the study and mastery of the mind, body and life itself.  I've spent over 8 years working with 1,000's of individuals on enhancing the quality of their lives through the mastery of their mind, body and health and how to design their lives with intention.  I have combined that experience, education and knowledge with my passion of helping others awaken, forge towards their mission and in the process empower them to start living life to the max with intention!  

But lets go back to the very beginning...

Wow.  What a journey it has been, but it’s certainly not over.  I can tell you that I wasn’t always the person I am today nor did I have the mindset I do today.  I literally was the complete opposite of who I am today.  Let me take you inside my own Break Free Journey. 

 I was a small town kid.  I grew up on a dairy farm, went off to college to play football and had always been “head strong”, stubborn or stuck in my ways and belief systems.  I preferred to stick with what I was familiar with, or as I call it, I liked my “comfy chair."  This fact may be the exact reason I remained in a relationship for 6 years. 

Once I graduated college (Bachelors in: Human Performance; Psychology), I made what at the time was a major move for me; I accepted my first job which was 4 hours away from “home."  I know, I know, far from adventurous.  But like I said, I liked the “things that I knew”.  The fact was, I always had extreme drive and determination professionally (entrepreneurial spirit), but it was my personal life (I) that was shut off from the world.  I was far from in touch with my true sense of ‘Being’.  

I lasted 3 years at that first job until I had enough.  I wanted freedom and I wanted to be 100% in control of my destiny, my failures and/or success.  So I put in my 2 week notice and left.  I took the leap and went out on my own to start my own personal training business.  During all of this I was still in that relationship, with conflicting feelings.  Feelings of:  uncertainty, doubt and wonder.  I found myself asking: “Why am I not certain she is the one?”  “You have nothing to compare this to Brian, you need more experiences.”  But like I said, it was easier to stick with what I knew, rather than walk into the unknown, the darkness. 

It was during a time when I was heavily focused on opening up a gym that things took an abrupt turn.  The day came where that 6 year relationship ended and I was faced with what I had been hiding from the entire time – the unknown - myself.  The feelings and emotions that came with this became almost unbearable.  I experienced intense feelings of:  pain, fear, doubt, hopelessness, anger, confusion, and a sense of loss. 

This event (breakup) forced me to see myself and my life situation as it really was and face what I always avoided; the present, the ‘Now’. 

Everything  that I had been envisioning up to this point was now in question.  I now faced questions such as: 

Was I really doing this for me?  Or was it for the vision of the “relationship”? 

More importantly, I then came face to face with the questions we all must face:

Who am I?  What do I really want?  Where do I want to go?  What do I really want to do?  What is my purpose?  Am I really, really living?!  Am I living as the absolute best version of myself? 

I had been “thrust” out into the world of the unknown and sitting directly in the darkness.  Ironically, this is a place that I later would come to welcome and seek.  And I’m forever grateful for this “thrust”.

While sitting out in this darkness it became painfully obvious that I had become sheltered, on a personal level.  That comfy chair of the known, that I had become so entrenched in, had been kicked right out from under me.  All of the things that I had avoided:  meeting new people, trying new things, going into situations where I would feel uncomfortable, dating, and understanding my thoughts and emotions, spiritual awareness – were now facing me head on.  I of course rejected this initially by begging, pleading and fighting to get back into that comfy chair of the known (the relationship).  This attempt failed and I am forever grateful that I never found that chair again to sit on. 

Instead what I found was my path, a path to awakening and breaking free.  This was the begining of my personal liberation. 

My Low Point….

My lowest point came 6-9 months post break-up.  But here’s the “kicker”, I found another relationship 1 year after “the break-up”.  Although this one only lasted for 3 months, I found myself in even greater despair.  How could this be?  

Looking back it’s easy to recognize the answer to that question.  By not having fully entered the path to awakening and breaking free, getting into the new relationship allowed me to momentarily get back into that comfy chair.  The life situation that I had been forced to question from my previous break-up was momentarily put back into place; it gave me a sense of security again.  Being in this new relationship allowed me to put those hard questions off to the side, because things were “good again”.   However, I simply replaced one relationship with the other, without ever completely evolving myself.  I never addressed the root issues within MYSELF. 

Inevitably, when this brief relationship ended all of those buried questions came back into site, this time with even more force.  It wasn’t that I was more distraught over this particular relationship; it was the fact that I realized the root issues had not been resolved.  I once again had to ask:  “Is this life situation for me?  Is this what I really want?  How do I change this?  What do I really want?  Who do I want to be?  Where do I want to be? How can I live the freedom lifestyle I seek? 

I so desperately wanted any form of clarity.  Any!  Just give it to me I’d say.  Knowing what I know now, that was the primary issue, I “wanted” clarity.  I wasn’t willing to CREATE it. 

My ah-ha moment and the turning point….

When I think about this I’m not sure there was ever really a moment where I went “ah-ha!"   It was more of a period where I became intensely in-tune with my thoughts, beliefs and emotions.  I then started asking questions like:  How do I change this?  How do I get better?  How can I get clarity?  What should I do?  Where can I find helpful information?  If I want _____ life, who do I need to BECOME in order for that to be a reality?

I started to actively look for information that would give me the answers I sought.  When I look back I can say that one particular person and/or book completely transformed my mindset, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors.  I attribute this discovery as the first step taken on my path to awaken and break free.   I will forever be in debt and grateful for this man and his teachings.  This fact is crazy to think about because up to this point (while writing this) I have never met him in person. 

Steps taken to breakthrough….

My personal journey of struggles, trials, tribulations and breakthroughs is why I created a program such as: Kingman Academy and founded a lifestyle brand such as: Kingsman.  I knew that if I was experiencing these pain points and seeking such clarity, that others were as well and I wanted to provide a solution. 

Even though I knew that I wanted to awaken and break free, I had no idea how to do it or where to even start.  I was just out there like a wild and lost animal.  No real direction, just consuming tons of information and ideas, but never discovering clear steps to act on. 

It became an evolution for me, a long one at that!  I strongly believe that this process is never completely finished, but I do know that with clear cut direction and steps to take, you can go from feeling the way you do today to breaking free, much quicker than I did.  That is my source of inspiration for creating Kingsman Academy.  To liberate and empower millennial men to unleash their inner lion, charge fiercely towards their mission with conviction and create a badass lasting legacy.  If we can change one man we can change a family.  If we change a family we can change a community.  If we change a community we can change the world.    

Who I am today:

Today, I am awake. I walk through life and experience life at an entirely new level.  A level of grand appreciation, wonder and zest for all of life’s moments.  A belief in infinite possibilities and opportunities have been rooted within.  I now find myself saying, “Life is miraculous, don’t miss it”. 


If you've made it this far, I thank you!  And to show my appreciation I want to pass along a gift.  It's the story regarding the greatest fear in my life and how I was able to overcome it.  I have laid it all out in a specific formula and report, so you can implement the strategy into your own life and empower you to overcome your own fears and challenges.  It's completely FREE no strings attached.  I know this can serve which is why I feel obligated to share.  All I need from you is an email address so I know where to send the gift.  You can gain instant access by clicking HERE.   Enjoy! 
