Your answers to building serious muscle! Females, I'm talking about SEXY muscle for you.
In this article, you will come to understand as to why you have approximately 2-3 hours of absolutely vital time to build extreme muscle mass. If you’re a female don’t turn away just yet. This is crucial for your goals as well. Especially if you're looking for more definition, and better shape in your arms, butt, and thighs. Before you read on, if you have not read my previous post titled, “Eat Fat to Lose Fat” you must do so to completely understand this post.
What’s the answer to building serious muscle?
Your answer, ironically it's the same answer to your fat loss goals…INSULIN and nutrient timing! Insulin is a single hormone that is responsible for so many figures walking around today. Fat, obese, chubby, skinny-fat, skinny, ripped, jacked and buff. Insulin plays a vital role in all of these body types.
But, how does it add layers of muscle to your body?
Like I stated in my previous article, insulin is an ANABOLIC hormone. It’s so anabolic that many of the top level bodybuilder's staple steroid is insulin. Now you don’t need to take these extreme measures because your body naturally produces this extreme anabolic hormone. You just need to understand when and how you can manipulate the release of this hormone to reap its benefits.
- Here’s just a quick little insight on insulin. When released from the body insulin’s responsibility is to transport the nutrients into your cells liver, fat or muscle. As insulin is secreted, your liver, fat and muscle cells "open up" looking for nutrients. The KEY is to make sure that most, if not all, of the glucose and nutrients, are taken up by the liver and muscle cells (I will explain this later).
- In order for you to build muscle, you need to FEED YOUR MUSCLES.
- Step 1 then becomes releasing/secreting the insulin. You do this by consuming foods and/or drinks that are higher on the glycemic index. The higher the glycemic load, the greater the release of insulin. In simplistic terms, you need to consume CARBOHYDRATES that will spike your insulin levels. Examples of these foods and drinks are fruits, raisins, honey, IsaLean Pro superfood Shake, rice, oatmeal, and potatoes (ALWAYS combine these with protein rich food or a high-quality protein shake - DO NOT consume proteins filled with artificial sweeteners like sucralose, most proteins have that as a toxic sweetener). Simply consuming sloppy foods or drinks high in carbs and/or sugar and low quality like many products found in GNC or your local superstore, will NOT benefit you. It will make you soft, puffy and inflamed. I've made this mistake in my life, see above picture.
- Step 2: Understanding WHEN you want to eat or drink these carbs to release the insulin while NOT having it transported into your fat cells?
IMPORTANT: Most individuals who are overweight or obese are resistant to the release of insulin. Meaning that this concept will not work as well on them. They should NOT be consuming high glycemic foods until their body recalibrates properly to the release of insulin, which usually happens when they get lean by following recommendations that I talk about in the Eat Fat To Lose Fat article. In fact, the over consumption of high-glycemic foods is what actually caused the insulin resistance problem that they struggle with. Those individuals should follow the recommendations in the EAT FAT TO LOSE FAT article to finally see results that lead to burning fat and health benefits.
When: CONCEPT = Nutrient Timing is EVERYTHING!
- During and after your resistance training (lifting weights). Weight lifting makes you more sensitive to insulin. This means you are more likely to transport the nutrients into liver and muscle cells than your fat cells. It’s a GOOD thing. Resistance training also depletes your glycogen stores (stored carbohydrates/glucose in your muscle cells) and it’s the insulin’s duty to transport your glucose and amino acids into these now-hungry muscle cells to facilitate recovery and GROWTH. With that said, it’s crucial that you start consuming a carbohydrate AND amino acid rich drink approximately 20-30min post workout (the reason for 20-30 min is another advanced strategy that I use to optimize an anabolic state and fat burning effect, you can learn all about that HERE). You then have about another 2-3 hours post workout (depends on your training intensity and exercise selection) where the body is much more likely to partition the carbs into your muscle cells and NOT fat cells. Take advantage of this opportunity to grow extreme muscles!
The difference between insulin resistance and being sensitive to insulin. Then using it to your advantage to get lean and build muscle.
Wrap Up:
- The release of insulin is an awesome thing if it’s the RIGHT time! And if you're lean enough to optimize the release of insulin.
- The right time becomes immediately and up to 3 hours after your workout.
- Resistance training causes your muscles to seek out carbs and amino acids.
- Choose a staple of compound and high intensity movements like deadlifts, squats, olympic weightlifting, sprints, shoulder press, pull ups to maximize your muscle building goals.
- Insulin transports the carbs and amino acids into your hungry muscle cells which then facilitates recovery and growth.
- If you work out intensely, but do NOT consume a carbohydrate and amino acid rich drink/or food, during or after your workout, your body goes into a CATABOLIC state. This means that it starts to actually break down your muscle. This is catastrophic for the individual looking to build muscle and obtain a lean, toned or ripped physique.
- So the next time you go and lift weights make DARN SURE you are prepared to take advantage of this extreme ANABOLIC state that you can produce, without steroids!
One of my client's, Brandon N., who we implemented a peri-workout protocol - meaning we took advantage of his anabolic window to build muscle and size to his frame.
Example recovery and growth drink:
- IsaLean Pro Shake - This is my go-to. No thinking necessary and top quality.
- Organic Eggs + blueberries or raspberries or banana or blackberries
- Organic Eggs/ground turkey/lean grass beef/fish/ + sweet potato or fruit or steal cut oats
- Just think to yourself: "Ok, I need a high protein source and a sensible (non-processed) carbohydrate. Your options then become vast.
More advanced and free training:
If you're wondering exactly how many grams of carbs and protein you should be consuming and when to consume them, then you'll want to check out my training video. You'll learn the exact system that I use and use with my clients and follow the plan that is specific to you and your goals. You can watch that HERE. It's free and I'll show how much to consume and when! Get this right and you'll see your body transform.
Professional Coaching and Programing:
If you're looking for some help, coaching and guidence. Or if you'd like to have someone take care of all this for you and provide you with professional and comprehensive nutrition and training plans, that are done-for-you, so you can take your health, strength, fitness and physique to an all new level, you'll want to learn about:
- The 90-day Fit Chick Challenge (Woman only)
- KingsmanStrong (Men and women welcome)
I hope you enjoyed this article. Because if you can learn this concept, your physique and health goals will become much less stressful.
Train With Intention!
Brian Larson
Founder & Creator - KingsmanStrong
Creator of The 90-day Fit Chick Challenge