Whose Life Are We Really Living?
Think deeply about this: Whose life are you really living?
Take at least 30 seconds to absorb that thought on a conscious level. Let it sink deep within.
We’ve all heard this question before, but I’m going to hammer this home and explain it in a way that enables you to understand this beyond just a surface level.
Have you ever taken the time to consciously direct your mind and get clear by defining your ideals? Your ideal: self, life, relationships and body.
Or have you been sucked into the conveyor belt of societies “should” and “suppose to’s”?
What do I mean by this? The supposeD to’s:
You’re supposed to go to college.
You’re supposed to get a job with a good company, work your way up, retire with good benefits and then live out your life they way you intended to during those previous years.
You’re supposed to buy a house.
You’re supposed to get married by a respectable age.
You’re supposed to have kids.
You’re supposed to play it safe and settle down.
You’re supposed to find your “roots” and stay there until your kids are out of school.
You’re supposed to play a particular role on the job, in public, at events, with friends, with family etc…. You’re supposed to do this so you fit in. It’s the acceptable thing to do. It’s socially acceptable.
Have you formed these belief systems on your own? Really, have you? Have you intentionally made these decisions with a consciously directed mind? Meaning you didn’t just accept these “supposed to’s” as facts and ways of life.
Few people intentionally create their own belief systems. And it’s ok if you didn’t, because awareness is the key. Awareness of our societal and cultural conditioning will empower you to make the shift and find the path that’s in alignment to your life’s agenda/mission and inner purpose.
We all so easily fit into the conditioned roles of society. It’s what makes us feel a sense of belonging and likeable to others. But is it authentic to who we really are and what we really want? All of those things I listed, are those things that YOU really want? Again, go beyond the surface level thought and search deep within. Is this what you want? If so, then there is no issue, but be honest with yourself. Who, in fact, has formed your belief systems?
And here’s the scary fact, you can easily be on this social-conveyor-belt and be asked the question, “is this what you wanted, are you living your life”? And you’ll answer ‘yes’ in an emphatic way.
However, is this in fact true? Or is this simply your ego trying to justify its decisions and current life situation? This may allow you to feel a sense of contentment, but will eventually cause a great deal of anxiety, unease, anger, confusion and frustration due to the lack of congruency. Meaning, your inner purpose in life and your outer purpose (life situation) are out of alignment and this will cause suffering.
Your ego will continue to try and console you by trying to convince you that “you” were the one that made the decision(s) and this is in fact what you’ve always wanted. It’s simply trying to hold onto its identity that it has formed. This can be a depilating position to be in life. It’s that point in life where you just feel unsure and as if something’s just not right. The paradox is that by admitting this lack of certainty will be perceived as even more painful and debilitating then the feelings you currently have from being out of balance and out of alignment.
You “think” to yourself and you hear your egoic mind says things such as:
I’d have to start all over.
I should know what I want to do by now.
This is what I’ve always wanted to do, you’re just scared because it’s getting hard.
I’ve done everything right, why would I start to question it all now?
I’ve invested too much time, energy and money into this.
I make too much money to give this up.
I have great benefits
I don’t know how to start that. I could never be like ________
All of these bullshit stories which our calculated mind and ego tell us, keep us dead in our tracks and on the path to mediocrity and living a life that was not created by the real “you”.
Own this fact and take back your life.
But ask yourself this question, back when you were making all of these decisions (that your egoic mind has determine were in alignment with your life’s agenda/mission) what state of mind were you in?
Were you conscious? Mature? Enlightened? Wise? Empowered? Clear?
Had you created your ideal and continued to shape this ideal as you developed and grew as an individual?
Many will just accept this as their reality and allow themselves to stay trapped within this social-conveyor belt of suppose to’s.
Don’t be another statistic.
You can start living, right now!
I ask you to listen deep within and determine if you are in fact, living YOUR life? In order to do this you need to separate yourself from the ego, which has attached to something external, not within you, (career, work, credentials, material possessions, another person, a business) and formed a specific identity. It will do everything in its power to hold onto this identity and for you to understand if you’re living a life true to “you”, it’s essential that you separate yourself from the ego through pure presence and consciousness. You must go deep within yourself.
Step 1 is having the awareness to identify/observe your ego at work. From there you’ve empowered yourself to CREATE your ideal and then align your inner purpose with your outer purpose. Once you have this alignment you can create a ‘life blueprint’ by declaring specific skills, actions and behaviors you need and by declaring specific decisions that you need to make in order to live the life you have now intentionally created.
It’s time to finally answer the question from a conscious state: “Whose live am I living?”
Because at what point do you decide that the risk of living a life that is out of alignment with your life’s mission far out ways the risk of staying the course you’re on, a course conditioned by society or others. We deserve to live out our intentionally created ideals. It’s time to experience all of the wonders of life, the joy, the bliss…it’s time to break free!
If you’d like to know the exact steps to take and be guided through every step of the way to start living your epic journey……learn more here ”The Break Free Journey” 5 week course to creating your epic life and living it.