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life lessons

#34 - How to Overcome the Darkest Moments of our Life


The darkness will come.  The pain will come.  The hardship will come.  The resistance will come.  Here lies an opportunity.  An opportunity to grow as a man.  An opportunity to step into your power and rise above towards the light and an entirely new world.  

We can't always control what comes into our lives but we always control how we respond to each moment, each experience and each event.  Here is where you can measure a man.  For it's easy to remain positive, inspirational and enthusiastic amidst the good days.  

It's critical to remember that the darkest times, the struggle and the hardship will come into our lives for a very particular reason.  However, it's a choice to see this lesson or we can choose to remain blind and bound by the pain.  It's a conscious choice.  

Here is where a man can call upon his personal freedom and choose to see the underlying lesson.  Choose to have faith that he's being directed down a very particular course that he could have never done on his own.  Faith that the force has been called upon to correct his course for the better.  

His faith will carry him beyond the darkness and rise, once again, into the light.  He shall step into his power and grow from his darkness, not just go through it.  

Remember this message as the darkness falls once again.  Embrace it, for it's here to serve you.

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Can you connect the dots from previous moments of darkness in your life? 
  2. Can you see the underlying message that came with the darkness? 
  3. Have you ignored the message and lesson that has come your way?  Only to continue to live with the pain?  


#32 - How We Hold Ourselves Back in Life

Learn about a recent humbling and learning experience for me, which we can all learn from. 


What holds us back in life? The commonly used culprit is, fear. But often times, it's something entirely different. When we do "this" it prevents us from ever having to even feel fear. How often do we hide behind lies, excuses and justifications? Which ultimately prevents us from experiencing life in new dimensions and progress at the rate we wish. I share a personal story to illustrate this concept of self-sabotage.

I believe: 

I believe it's important that we take the necessary time to listen closely.  Listen closely to the inner dialogue as we quickly come to a conclusion when we are presented with an opportunity, a new experience or asked if we "like" something.  Can we hear the lies, excuses and justifications that immediately come to us?  We must ask, "What's the truth here?"  

Do I really not have the time?  Do I really know if I don't like it?  Do I really know if I'm "Not that kind of person?"  Do I really know if it doesn't work?  Do I really believe that I could never do it?  Do I know that "It's just not for me."  Do I really know that I don't have the money?  Am I really too busy?  

OR  is the following the truth:  

Am I scared of looking bad?  Am I scared of losing?  Am I lacking the confidence necessary to even try?  Am I scared of failing?  Am I scared of being uncomfortable?  Am I scared of during the hard work?  Am I scared of the pressure to perform at the expectations I have of myself or other may anticipate from me?  


Our belief systems and identities are often times conditioned and shaped by parenting, schooling systems or through one or two experiences.  The slippery slope is adapting these conditioned beliefs and identities as your own, without ever having consciously assessed whether or not they are serving you and your goals.  


Start saying 'YES' to the new.  To the unfamiliar.  To the unknown.  Stipe away the conditioned beliefs and identities that are preventing you from experiencing life at new levels and dimensions.  Understand that the lack of confidence will be there because it's new, it's unfamiliar.  Make yourself vulnerable.  This is where real growth occurs. This is where an enriched and fulfilling life lies.  

Go out and intentionally get uncomfortable!  Get out and LIVE!  


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Brian Larson                                                                                                                                                    Founder - Kingsman                                                                                                                                     Creator & Master Trainer - Kingsman Academy