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self help

#67 - How Your Stress Is Killing You and Holding You Back

#67 - How Your Stress Is Killing You and Holding You Back

Have you been stuck for a while now? Do you continue to feel like you just can't get over this hump?

Feel like you're doing the right things but still not seeing the kind of results that you expect?

Watch this! Something is killing you and you probably don't even know what it is...or how to change it.

#38 - Why Relationships Fail

Have you been in a relationship where everything was great at the beginning, she/he seemed amazing and then things began to drift.  Things changed.   Or maybe you've been in relationships that just seemed difficult to maintain.   Or have you bounced from one to another only to end up feeling like it was the same thing all over again?  You're not alone.  


1.  When we begin to come from a "take" position or expecting from a relationship, we're in trouble.  In that scenario, we have developed the wrong mindset.  If we begin to expect others to "lift us up" we are simply trying to fill a void within ourselves.  

2.  If we desire a healthy relationship it's essential that we can be happy alone, happy with ourselves, happy with our lifestyle and focus on our own personal development.  Otherwise, we will continue to take in relationships, always trying to fill the void.  We're looking for a relationship to make us whole.  With over 50% of marriages ending I'd say that many of us are trying to do just that or we begin to "expect" our significant other to bring the joy, the happiness, the fun, the jokes, the love.....again, coming from a take position versus giving, like we once did.  

3.  We must become the person we desire.  Too often we expect the other person to have _______ character, heart, integrity, energy, passion, drive, ambition etc...... all while we lack it ourselves.  First, we must 'be' the person we desire to be with.  

If you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more motivation, inspiration and tips all things life.  You can do that HERE.  

Males under the ages of 40 check out:

#28 - A Letter to an Anxious, Stressed and Unsure Self.

#28 - A Letter to an Anxious, Stressed and Unsure Self.

I was beginning to get anxious.  Asking for clear cut answers and anxious for faster results.  On the morning of my Grandma’s funeral I went into town early to sit down with a cup of coffee, my journal and a pen.  The following is what flowed out as I directed the letter to that of myself

#19 - My Return From Thailand and The Painful Realization

#19 - My Return From Thailand and The Painful Realization

It's a trap.  The brainwashing.......I’m telling you, coming back to the United States was a shock.  I remember feeling completely conflicted, lost and bored.  It was as if everyone’s living in their own little bubble, completely consumed by thoughts, worry and stress.