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#67 - How Your Stress Is Killing You and Holding You Back

#67 - How Your Stress Is Killing You and Holding You Back

Have you been stuck for a while now? Do you continue to feel like you just can't get over this hump?

Feel like you're doing the right things but still not seeing the kind of results that you expect?

Watch this! Something is killing you and you probably don't even know what it is...or how to change it.

#28 - A Letter to an Anxious, Stressed and Unsure Self.

#28 - A Letter to an Anxious, Stressed and Unsure Self.

I was beginning to get anxious.  Asking for clear cut answers and anxious for faster results.  On the morning of my Grandma’s funeral I went into town early to sit down with a cup of coffee, my journal and a pen.  The following is what flowed out as I directed the letter to that of myself