Over the last week or so I have been struggling with a few major decisions and losing some clarity. I was beginning to get anxious. Asking for clear cut answers and anxious for faster results. On the morning of my Grandma’s funeral I went into town early to sit down with a cup of coffee, my journal and a pen. The following is what flowed out as I directed the letter to that of myself. Why am I sharing? I understand that others may be feeling stressed, confused, anxious for the future and/or uncertain about a few decisions. If so, this may be of value to those who find themselves in such a situation.
Here’s what seemed to just flow out of me…..
Just relax, Brian. Enjoy this thing we call life. Everything. The entire process. The struggle, the glory, the sorrow, the tension. Feel it all. Release what doesn’t serve you.
Lately you seem to have gotten too tense and anxious when thinking about your future, completing your new major project and getting your new business to the prosperous levels you envision. It’s affecting your presence and awareness of life’s magic. Relax. Separate yourself from the outcome and know that everything will be absolutely amazing.
Just flow.
You can have these grand aspirations, desires and drive but don't’ press so hard that you become blind and numb to the moments that are happening before your eyes. Rememberer to feel life. Live in the moments, my friend. Flow. The universe is conspiring on your side. Listen. Look. Feel. The answers are there.
Do what you feel in your heart. What feels right to you. Be true to you and what you want. Help people. Inspire others. Live big, in the moments. Carry out your mission and purpose. Let down your guard. Let others in. Love man! Love life. You are here. So BE here.
When you feel as if things are not progressing at the rate you so wish, take a step back, breath it in - life. How incredible. You’re still here. You still have the honor and privilege to live each of life’s moments, take notice.
You are on a unique journey, my friend. Never forget that every person and moment comes into your life perfectly, on time. Trust that when you look back you will be able to connect the dots, just as when you look back from today, you can do just that - connect the dots. That same process is in place. Trust this process. It’s leading to something more grand than you could ever imagine on your own. All you have to do is have faith in your vision, look, listen and act with your heart.
You are no mistake. If you are still here, still breathing, rest assure there is a very unique reason for it. This vision and mission has been given to you for a reason. You just need to continue to see, feel and believe it.
Brian, live your purpose, relax a little bit, love openly and laugh often. Life is miraculous, notice it all.
Later that day my questions were clearly answered, I’m on the correct path and I was assured that everything is going to be absolutely amazing. You as well. Believe it.