Whether or not you admit it, we all say it to ourselves during distinct moments or when faced with certain decisions.
Remembering this one fact during some of my darkest or most stressful times in my life has the power to instantly change my perception and alter my life. Here’s the fact I recite to myself:
Here we are, tiny specks visiting and sitting on a planet that’s spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere and our visit is brief.
Allow yourself to really picture and visualize this fact. Drop all of the bullshit and literally look up one night and let this concept sink in. If it truly sinks in, things will "appear" different from that moment on.
Now, what is there to ‘fear'?
Now, how can you ‘fail'?
Now, how serious is that ‘problem'?
Now, how big of a 'risk' is ____?
Getting all pissed off because that person cut you off in traffic. Really?!
Ready to pull your hair out because you got caught up in traffic and may be late for work or a meeting. Really?!
Letting someone ruin your mood or day because they ‘insulted’ you or made a comment that upset you. Really?!
Someone didn’t say “Hi” to you in the right tone and inside you're head you lash out at them. Really?!
Not dancing because you’re embarrassed? Not asking someone out for fear of rejection? Not taking a trip alone because you’d feel “dumb”. Not saying what you really feel for fear of others judgement. Really?!
We are tiny specks sitting on a planet that is spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere and we are here for just a few years!
Thinking your life will go into complete turmoil if you take the leap to start your own business. Really?!
Thinking your life will fall apart if you take 2 straight weeks off from work to spend with family. Really?!
Thinking your life will come unravelled if you change careers, re-define yourself, go back to school, quit your job to follow your dreams and passion. Really?!
We are tiny specks sitting on a planet that is spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere and we are here for just a few years.
Put our ‘decisions’, ‘fears’, ‘worries’, ‘doubts’, ‘problems’ and ‘situations’ into proper perspective and you’ll see a new life.
You’ll see new options.
You’ll see new beginnings.
You’ll see new possibilities.
You’ll see new opportunities.
You’ll see what ‘life’ really is.
What is the meaning of ‘Life’ to you?
How insignificant do certain things now appear with this new found perspective?
I feel we all to often live a life paralyzed by fear, doubt and delay because of one reason - the perception of life that one holds within.
I mean, shit, do you really think that low of yourself that if you go out there and fail that you can’t pick yourself back up and figure things out? The skills that brought you to where you are now, those skills, you will never loose. Worst case scenario becomes….. you having to revert back to those particular skills to “get yourself back” and guess what - that will bring you right back to where you are today. So the worst case scenario actually is staying right where you’re at, today. Ironically that’s where you’ll stay if you don’t take the leap and chase your dreams, your passions and what makes you feel alive. You’ll remain implanted in the tracks you’ve dug up to this point. Is that where you want to be? Are you truly maximizing your potential? Is this all you’re meant for?
So now what’s the real risk? It’s doing NOTHING. The risk is NOT taking the risk!
We are tiny specks sitting on a planet that is spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere and we are here for just a few years!
You take the leapand “fail”. Your life ends? The world stops? You become less of a speck? You lose your skills? You lose your ability to try again? You lose your ability to serve others?
Stop that bullshit story we hear within. A story that builds up this decision into an apocalyptic decision. Because it’s NOT. Don’t let your ego build its’ self up by telling you it is.
We are tiny specks sitting on a planet that is spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere and we are here for just a few years.
Get out there and live like it.
I’ll pick on myself to hammer home this concept.
I was personal trainer for 8+ years. I had my own personal training business. However, I was unhappy. I wanted to live elsewhere, I wanted to explore the world and soon felt a calling in a new direction. But I kept telling myself how big of a risk it was to leave behind this group of clients that I had built up and ultimately a secure source of income. I had loyal clients and I was just going to “leave all that behind”. You’re nuts Brain! That’s what I’d hear inside my head.
Then a change in perception changed it all for me.
A simple shift in perception and mindset will forever change your life. Believe that.
Here’s my shift:
I now told myself - If I keep doing what I’m doing, I’ll keep getting what I’m getting. So simple, but so true. Would there be anything wrong with that? No, I was comfortable and felt secure. But I wanted more. I made that decision. I did not want to live an average life.
I then knew I needed to make bold decisions. That’s when I made the shift. I told myself this: “For shit sakes Brian, if you walk away from your clients and your new venture fails, do you really think that low of yourself that you can’t acquire clients again and build up a training business once again? And maybe even do this somewhere else, somewhere you KNOW that you want to live? Do you really think you’ll lose your training skills? Will there suddenly be absolutely nobody to serve within the health, wellness, nutrition or performance industry? Who are you kidding!
So what’s the worst case scenario? I “fail” at this new venture, move to where I prefer, find people to serve and start another training business. Full circle! No worse, but actually slightly better off. But here’s the kicker, if I make this move, I have UNLIMITED upside and could forever change my life. I can be on that path to extraordinary.
New mindset. New perceptions. New decisions. New possibilities. New opportunities. New life.
How insignificant does this decision now become?
And even after that, think of this fact….
We are tiny specks sitting on a planet that is spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere and we are here for just a few years!
I have one parting piece of advice……
Change your perception. Change your life. It’s time to start living BIG and being BOLD.
“Think Different - Live Different”
- Brain Larson Creator of: The Break Free Journey