There’s a major shift occurring right before our very eyes. A movement led by pioneers that are heading off to a land of infinite opportunity. Opportunity to be had by anyone ready to see. Some will see it, act and capitalize on it. Others will miss it and risk looking back one day and saying, “I wish I would have got in the game.”
Will you see the land of opportunity?
85% of Americans think about quitting their job, daily.
I was one of them. Even though I have only been an employee for 3 years of my life, there wasn’t a day that went by where I wasn’t thinking about my escape and my soon-to-be sense of freedom.
If you’re a part of that 85% you may be able to relate to a story.
Have you ever found yourself waking up to your alarm with the immediate thought of, “Ugh, here we go again!” Or maybe you were someone more like me and your reaction to a 4:30am alarm was more like, “F**k! Why!? Why!? I can’t do this anymore.”
Somehow we make it through the morning and carry on our morning in auto-pilot fashion.
This scenario continues on, and on. We continue to make it through the dredge on the promise and anticipation of the weekend or the vacation that we can see coming down the tunnel.
So eventually a day turns into a week. A week turns into months. Months turn into years. And then just like that, you find yourself at the end of the line, looking back and wondering where your life went.
You begin to wonder what your life could have looked like had you taken that chance. Had you taken those trips? Had you acted with courage to follow your intuition? Had you finally said, “enough is enough.”
All of a sudden you jolt, as if you’ve been hit with lighting.
But then you realize that you’ve simply awakened from a dream. Just a dream playing out your future, the future to be had if you continue down this path. The path of putting up with the world and surrendering to conformity.
You find yourself grateful. Grateful for finally awakening to the truth. Things have finally been put into perspective for you.
It’s on this morning where your life forever changes. That same alarm goes off. You go through your normal routine, on auto-pilot, and head off to work.
But this commute to work is different.
As you’re driving it hits you like a ton of bricks.
“Is this really life!?
Am I simply living to work?
When will this enslavement stop?
Will I just continue being told what to do, what to work on, when I have to show up, when it’s ‘appropriate’ for me to take time off to do what I really want to do, how long I should work, how much I’m worth, and how it’s appropriate to act!???”
My friends, that was my story. That’s precisely what happened to me. I was hit with a disgust for the corporate structure and trading my time for money on the terms of someone else.
The final straw came when I was filling out my permission slip. There I was, in the “real world” asking if it was “ok” for me to take some time off for 4 days.
Now, some people are completely ok with this process and structure. I’m totally cool with that. (If you’re one of them, I encourage you to continue to read on and consider what I’m about to share with you and the opportunities that lie ahead of us all)
I’m in no way undermining those who are content with this structure. However, many may be unaware as to what’s happening right in front of our eyes – this new movement and the land of opportunity or they may lack belief in their ability to create such a lifestyle.
Personally, I was not willing to adhere to it, nor accept that kind of lifestyle as my fate. And it’s to those same people, the ones that felt as I did, that I write this article for – the 85%.
When I thought about the entire system, structure and scenario it felt insanely similar to the system that I went through not so long ago.
Where we are conditioned and shaped from the ages of 5-6 to conform to such a structure and society.
Let’s look at the similarities.
Sit at a tiny desk for hours, each day.
Told what to study
Major holidays off
Send in a permission slip to make sure it’s ‘ok’ to miss class
Form to an appropriate and acceptable way to behave, speak, and dress
That structure and system were set up for the industrial and old age era. Which worked well and was a smooth transition for young adults to the workforce.
Times change.
The popularity of the 40-hour work weeks for 40 years was at a time where there was no internet. There was no iPhone. No email. No Facebook. No Snapchat. No Instagram. No Live video streaming. No YouTube. All of these platforms and mediums are now right at our fingertips, at any time, and from anywhere.
There wasn’t a way for people to reach 3.17 BILLION people with their own product or service. They had limited options. Become a trade worker, farmer, or join the corporate structure – which during that time seemed very appealing.
But what about today, 2016.
We live in a land of infinite opportunities. There’s never been a better time to be alive. There’s never been a time where people can take command of their own lives, create a lifestyle that serves their desires and become an entrepreneur with such little risk and high rewards.
Heck, we live in an era where a lady is generating over $80,000 per MONTH with a knitting business (all online)! There is no longer a valid excuse for any of us to stay in an unfulfilling job or a job that does not excite or give us a sense of purpose.
Let’s make this opportunity feel a little more tangible by running some very simple and basic numbers.
Let’s say that you love to cook healthy foods/recipes – it’s your passion. You could begin a website, create content that is all based on your passion and eventually create a membership site where you share weekly recipes, a monthly training video and whatever else you so choose for your members. You have access to 3.17 BILLION people. Let’s say that you attract just 100 people to join your membership site. You decide to charge $37/month. You’re now earning $3,700/month with 1 recipe a week, 1 training video a week and whatever else you choose to provide. Now let’s say that you stick with the business for 2-5 years and your monthly subscriptions reach 1,000 (out of 3+ BILLION). Well, now you’re earning $37,000/month!!! And you’re doing so whenever you choose, from where ever you choose and however you choose.
My office during June of 2016
Could you live with that? Maybe it takes you 5-7 years to build, would you be ok with that? That’s just ONE option, ONE example, and ONE revenue stream. The possibilities are endless.
The land of opportunity is simply ENDLESS out here.
So why is it that so many people still report being unfulfilled, unhappy, and only dreaming of quitting their job?
I believe there are many things at play. One, the conditioning and conformity from the schooling system and society is so strong that many people simply see no other option as valid. The corporations still do a very good job with “scare tactics” – making you feel as if there’s no way you could survive without them. They also do a wonderful job of “dangling the carrot” continuing to keep you, today, on the promise of “one day/tomorrow” where things will be amazing. You begin to visualize a future as a high up Executive, more vacation, grand salary and loving your job. But as you continue to climb the ladder you begin to see that things don’t change like you envisioned. If anything they become worse. More responsibility, ridiculous quotas, more ass-kissing and politics wherever you look. More regulations, more stress…..all at the expense of your sanity, your freedom, and your family.
*Many corporations are taking notice of the fundamental movement among the millennia’s and the great ones are responding. They are giving their employees a sense of significance and purpose for their work. They are letting them be creative, think outside the box, collaborate, and feel as if they are working on something great and something that will improve the world. It’s as if they are entrepreneurs within a corporation. It’s not a coincidence that these companies flourish – Google, Amazon, Zappos, Facebook – and it’s not a coincidence that these companies are flooded with millennia’s and/or the CEO/founder is a millennial.
Secondly, just like any other major movement in history, people are simply late to the boat. Some are cynics, believing it’s too good to be true while others simply do not see the infinite land of opportunity while others scoop up the gold to be had. That is the land that we are currently living in. It’s right before our eyes.
Third, many lack belief in their ability to create a successful business or they remain paralyzed by the fear of the unknown. If that’s you, please check out my article where I cover just that – FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN.
The movement is happening. It will not wait.
The pioneers have taken to their boats, begun paddling off the shores of - restriction, suffocating structure, conformity - broken the shackles of unfulfilling work, and have set off to the land of opportunity and freedom - The land of leveraging technology – the internet.
They are the pioneers of the New Age Freedom Movement.
The old days of the stereotypical corporate structure will soon be gone. They will be dead. The days of 40 hours a week, for 40 years of your life and climbing a linear ladder will be over. And it’s the millennial generation that is leading the way as the pioneers of entrepreneurship who are bucking the corporate structure and searching for meaningful work and a sense of purpose for what they will be spending the majority of their lives on.
There is a major paradigm shift occurring right before our eyes. There’s a huge wave to ride, for those ready to capitalize. For those that can see it. For those who are fed up with the old age. Those who yearn for freedom. Those who yearn for the ability to spend their time doing what they truly love and what gives them a sense of purpose and significance. The ability to design their life and their days. The opportunity to start and build something great that’s true to their passion is right before their eyes. Never has there been a time like this.
Today, there is opportunity everywhere. For those who desire to live their lives on their own terms, now is their chance. It’s here for the picking.
Why do I share this?
Simple. To inject hope, belief and inspiration into the 85%. Because I remember the suffocating feeling. The sickening feeling of someone having such an influence over my days and ultimately, life. The feeling of enslavement that comes from not begin able to do what you want or when you want.
I left that shore, over 4 years ago.
I find myself, here, looking back at that land, waving as hard and as high as I possibly can to those people that want to break free and live their life on their own terms. I’m here to say that it is possible.
Will it happen overnight? No. And that’s a major issue in itself, many refuse to act because it’s not an overnight or guarantee success.
I planned my escape for 2.5 years (5 months after beginning my first job). I struggled with the decision for months and months before I had enough courage to walk out into the unknown and start paddling my own boat. Not knowing if I’d sink, get lost, or lose it all. However, returning is no longer an option. A couple of things have kept me paddling and led to this mindset– the pain of remaining trapped as I once was and the glory of knowing what kind of land continues to lie ahead as I keep paddling this boat!
I’ve made 3 major and life altering decisions based on one principle – freedom lifestyle. That has been my #1 core value since I left my first job - freedom. It has remained my core value for the other 2 major decisions and during each decision I had to sacrifice money for the freedom and for a greater potential income, long-term.
In 2011, when I quit my job, I walked away from a secure salary/vacation/dental/401K and began my personal training business at $0.00. In my first year, I was able to almost double my ‘job’ salary and within 4 years I was earning over 300% the salary I once had. But even more importantly to me, I was enjoying 100x the freedom.
June 2015, I made another decision and took another major risk in the favor of more freedom and long-term income. I had two major income streams and I decided to walk away from one of them, which resulted in an immediate loss of $54,000/year. I still had another source of residual income, that I had built over the last 2 years, which enabled me to set off and start a new business and create more revenue streams from scratch.
Has it been easy? Hell no.
Am I building that revenue stream? Yes.
Am I enjoying more freedom? 100%.
Do I have more of an upside? It’s only limited by creativity and imagination.
It’s like any kind of business, it takes the time to build.
And why do I share this?
To give an illustration that in order to have the things that we desire, often times we have to sacrifice something upfront. Many times that’s money or some basic securities. Sadly, that’s what paralyzes so many, as they are unable to see the long-term upside, the freedom, and the greater potential for earning.
If you prepare, if you plan, and if you put in the work you will reap the rewards of taking the leap. Just find your boat and start paddling. Will it be pure roses? Probably not, but it sure as hell beats the alternative – being the puppet of a master.
There is a reason you’ve read this far. I believe it’s because you feel a pull towards your own boat and taking it offshore. You have an urge to break free and join this movement.
Trust that feeling deep within. You’ll figure out the course once you begin, but you have to begin in order to discover the path.
Get in the boat! The pioneers are waiting, come and join us! I will be your greatest champion; I can promise you that. I want to hear from you!
Get in the boat and go!
If you’re still not sure, remember this fact, what’s the worst case scenario? You turn around and paddle back to right where you are now. However, there’s a good chance that once you leave the security of the conformity shore, you’ll continue to paddle like your life depended on it. You’ll do anything to never return and one day you’ll find yourself looking back with a wide-eyed smile and saying to your grandkids, “Dang, what a ride. What a ride! I was a pioneer during that New Age Freedom Movement.”
If you have a desire and aspiration to one day, fire your boss and live life on your terms, I encourage you to Join the waiting list for the new program: 'How to Make Your First $10,000 Online."
Live free. Die full.
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Be Different. Be Intentional. Be Legend.
Brian Larson
Founder & Creator – Kingsman Academy
Founder & Creator - KingsmanStrong