I can’t believe I just did that…..but action was needed.
This blog post was unexpected. I intended on discussing the major decision that I made following the “move”. However, something happened while writing the last 2 blog posts and reading through the “Relection Quesitons”. My intentions for the last two posts were to help you gain clarity and to identify what bold decision you need to make in order to continue to progress your life forward.
Well, that’s exactly what it did for me as well. As I finished writing this blog post, things became clear and it became apparent that I needed to make my latest major decision(s). So I acted, IMMEDIATELY this time, when I felt my heart speaking. I took the lessons I had learned from the other major decisions in my life and implemented them on this present day. No more letting the mind creep in and create more delay and doubt. I acted when the intuition hit.
Here’s what I did…..
Moving away from where I have lived for the past 6.5 years!
Retiring from personal training and my training business to follow a grand dream. I spent 8 years in the fitness industry. This will be a major change of course.
I have felt this change brewing inside of me for about a year, but never acting. Then while writing about my past decisions it became clear that I needed to make this change, listen to my heart and freaking ACT!
I need this change and the freedom to focus on this project “Kingsman Academy”. I know this is my heart calling and my true purpose. I need to honor this calling and carry out my mission to help and inspire millions “To Awaken” and break free from their pain, fear, doubts and uncertainty.
The moment I hit that “send” button to notify my landlord and my training clients, I had this incredible feeling right in my chest. The best way to describe it would be….lightness and/or space.
Where will I be moving to?
I have no idea where I’ll be going, but I’m ok with that, it’s time to continue to progress and create myself.
For the last 2 years I’ve had Denver planted in my head as to where I’ll be, but who knows?...
I’m looking into some international travel/volunteer and then returning to the USA and taking a road trip that covers every state. I want adventure and new life experiences. Thinking of the people I’ll meet along the way and the opportunities that may arise, is exhilarating to think about.
Ironically, even though I felt a sense of peace and freedom the day of making the decision, I found myself waking up at 4am…..confused, uncertain, analyzing, projecting the what ifs…….
As predicted my mind had taken control once again and started generating these impulse thoughts. Here’s the difference this time….I’m aware of this and I was ‘observing’ these thoughts. Through awareness and learning from my past experiences I had empowered myself to shift these self-defeating thoughts to ones that would serve me.
Instead of giving into them like I had in previous situations, I simply noticed the thoughts and released them. Is it easy? No….My mind continued to wonder and doubt. I observed my mind/ego saying:
“What in the hell did I just do?”
“You have no idea what you’re doing or if this will even work out”
“Stay with what you know”
“Do you REALLY want to do this Brian”?
“What happens if you fail or don’t like the change?”
“What if _______(all negative projections)?”
All of these questions raced through my mind and in past times I would have taken these thoughts as doubt and proof that I was not certain of my decision. Now I know the difference. I know it’s my egoic mind pleading to stay in the comfy seat and safe zone of the known. It thinks it’s looking out for me. When in fact it would end up sapping me of life! This time….my heart had spoken, I acted and I’m sticking to it.
With awareness and presence I am going to shift those negative “what if” projects, thoughts and beliefs to positive “what if” projects. I will consciously direct my mind in ways that serve me!
I am directing my mind to say: “what if……
“I love the new place. “
“I meet incredible people”
“I Discovery new opportunities”
“I find the love of my life”
“I have incredible success”
“I form a new network”
“I develop new skills”
“I create an entirely new life with complete joy, abundance and bliss.”
I am empowered. My mind will not control me this time around.
I’m on this personal transformation journey. A journey to experiencing life at an entirely new level.
Man, these lessons can be hard to implement, even when you are aware! Life! How fascinating…..
Reflection Questions:
Am I aware of when my egoic mind takes grip of my thoughts and beliefs?
The time in which this has occurred (egoic mind took control), what’s the specific decision you made or were thinking about making?
Reflecting on your life, list the times you now know your heart/gut/intuition was speaking to you, but you did not follow through.
Has your heart/intuition been speaking to you recently, but you let the calculated mind seep in?
Are you confident that you can consciously direct your mind, thoughts and beliefs in a way that serves you?
Think of one major decision you could make today that would improve your life and list out at least 5 positively projected “what if ________”.
How do you feel now?
Act on your heart and intuition, NOW. Because remember this very true fact: "In the end it's not the things that we did that we regret, it's the things we did not do."
If you’d like to become a part of a journey that will walk you through the specific steps and equip you with the tools and mindset needed break free from those doubts, fears and confusion, I urge you to take a look at a very unique journey and course –Kingsman Academy.
Brian Larson