The booze, the yummy food, the endless buffets!! What can we do so we don't get so fat?
SHIFT YOUR MINDSET It all begins by reframing your mind. Drop the "It's vacation, I'll do whatever I want" mentality and adapt the healthy and conscious mindset. One that views food as a source of fuel, nourishment and places a HIGH LEVEL of importance on feeling good.
REDUCE YOUR CARBS 2 WEEKS PRIOR This will deplete your glycogen stores in your muscles (stored fat) so that when/if you over indulge during the vacation those access carbs have a better shot at going back into your muscle cells versus getting stored as fat!
I highly recommend nutritional cleansing, so you purify the body before AND after your vacation to stay lean, fit and healthy from the inside out. Wondering what I recommend and use on a daily basis? Send an email to
BRING HEALTHY PRODUCTS/OPTIONS ALONG Many bad decisions come from lack of options. So be proactive and bring along HEALTHY and convenient options that are loaded with nutrients to ensure that you're still getting the nutrients that you need each day. Careful with the products you select, many companies are great at marketing, but have unhealthy products/ingredients. Send me an email if you'd like to chat about what I take.
DON'T SKIP YOUR WORKOUTS PRIOR TO LEAVING AND GET SOME IN WHILE THERE I get it, you're not going on vacation to lose weight and get in shape. However, you shouldn't be going on vacation to gain weight and get out of shape either. Stay balanced and try to maintain what you've gained so far. Do this by ramping up your intensity 2 weeks prior to vacation and then get 2-3 basic workouts in during vacation. They don't have to be extreme. Just a 15-20min burst workout will do!
SKIP THE SUGARY BOOZE DRINKS! This pretty self explanatory. Try and stick to basic liquors WITHOUT mixers, wine, or beer. This will dramatically save on your calories and sugar to help you keep the weight off and stay lean.
I hope these tips helped. If you're interested in a complete program and easy steps to help you transform your health, body and performance I encourage you to apply for my UltimateYou Method 12-week program. Click here to apply.
If you'd like to explore some convenient and healthy nutrition solutions to amplify your health & performance, lets chat. Send an email to
Check out my FREE 5-Minute Body & Performance Makeover eCourse series if you're interested in more energy, focus and clarity throughout your day GET FREE ACCESS HERE.
Also for more videos, inspiration, strategies and all things: Mind, Body, Fitness, Lifestyle you can follow me on:
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- 60-day Fit Chick Challenge HERE.
See you in the next video!
Brian Larson Mindset, Nutrition & Performance Expert B.S. Human Performance; Psychology Creator, The UltimateYou Method