#7 - The day my life forever changed.
# 6 - What's essential to breaking free and ascending to a new level in life?
#5 - We've Been Programed. Is This Really Our Reality?
#4 - Risking over $65,000.....or was it really a risk?
Here's the tragedy that comes with this, stay too long in that security trap and you will completely suppress your ultimate desire in order to ease the pain of not living in alignment with your true desires and purpose in life.........what's the price you are placing on your desires, dreams and life?
# 3 - I Can't Believe I Just Did That
#2 - My First Step Into The 'Darkness'.
#1 - My fear of the unfamilar and love with my comfy chair..
If the present day Brian ran into the pre-"Break Free Brain", lets just say that we would not become the closest of buddies. I was essentially the opposite of who I am today. I was close minded, stuck in my ways, and avoided uncomfortable situations or events. I held belief systems that were conditioned and/or handed down to me by society and parents.