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#38 - Why Relationships Fail

Have you been in a relationship where everything was great at the beginning, she/he seemed amazing and then things began to drift.  Things changed.   Or maybe you've been in relationships that just seemed difficult to maintain.   Or have you bounced from one to another only to end up feeling like it was the same thing all over again?  You're not alone.  


1.  When we begin to come from a "take" position or expecting from a relationship, we're in trouble.  In that scenario, we have developed the wrong mindset.  If we begin to expect others to "lift us up" we are simply trying to fill a void within ourselves.  

2.  If we desire a healthy relationship it's essential that we can be happy alone, happy with ourselves, happy with our lifestyle and focus on our own personal development.  Otherwise, we will continue to take in relationships, always trying to fill the void.  We're looking for a relationship to make us whole.  With over 50% of marriages ending I'd say that many of us are trying to do just that or we begin to "expect" our significant other to bring the joy, the happiness, the fun, the jokes, the love.....again, coming from a take position versus giving, like we once did.  

3.  We must become the person we desire.  Too often we expect the other person to have _______ character, heart, integrity, energy, passion, drive, ambition etc...... all while we lack it ourselves.  First, we must 'be' the person we desire to be with.  

If you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more motivation, inspiration and tips all things life.  You can do that HERE.  

Males under the ages of 40 check out:

#37 - Meet the 'Little Bitch Boy' Within


We all do it.  Set out after these goals with excitement, big visions and enthusiasm for the future outcome, but then it happens.  We experience some resistance, the little bitch boy comes alive and we cave.  The little bitch boy, within us all, is masterful in his ways.  He will come up with, what seems like, very reasonable and logical excuses, stories and justifications for you to surrender and retreat back towards your comforts.  

Learning to master this self-defeating inner dialogue is essential if we are to experience any sort of extraordinary life.  Those who never learn about this dilemma and understand that you can, in fact, create the necessary space needed in order to release and not become attached to this inner voice of the lil bitch boy will continue to experience disappointment and limited progress in life.  

Learning to simply observe and release is the key.  It takes practice.  How?  By consistently and intentionally pushing yourself into your threshold, so that you can begin to master 'him.'   You need to make him scream, listen and keep moving forward.  Here is where you become comfortable being uncomfortable.  And this is where BREAKTHROUGH occurs.  

Free yourself from the impulsive mind, learn to redirect this inner voice and you'll be on the path towards excellence and an entirely new world.  

If you're looking to expose and master your 'Little Bitch Boy' that's preventing you from reaching new levels in your life or if you're looking for more help with your fitness, health and/or physique you may be very interested in the KingsmanStrong program (good for both males and females).   Learn more HERE. 

For more videos, inspiration, strategies and all things: Mind, Body, Fitness, Lifestyle you can follow me on: 

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  • FREE Kingsman Scorecard HERE

Be Different. Be Intentional. Be Legendary. 

Brian Larson

Founder & Creator - Kingsman Academy

Founder & Creator - KingsmanStrong

#36 - How to Handle Disappointment


The surest way to succeed is to stop quitting!  The quickest way to mediocrity and the average life is to give in at the first sign of  resistance or struggle.  We all experience.  If we are going after anything meaningful, we will experience a good amount of resistance and struggle.  

Here is a defining moment.  

We can give in and say, "it's not worth it, it's not working, it will never happen for us," or we can choose to embrace the struggle and see it as a sign to keep charging forward.  We can reframe the situation as a test.  As a barrier to entry.  To weed out those not fit for success. 

It's great to create the vision, to set the massive goal and dream big, but we must never forget the work that will be required of us to make it a reality.  I believe that is why so many people fail and fall short of their goals.  Because we have completely underestimated how much action and perseverance it will take to "make it." 

Outlast the rest, be consistent, stay the course and simply KEEP GOING.  You will succeed while others wave the white flag.  You, my friend, are much more disciplined and mentally strong than that - show it!  

If you are enjoying the videos make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for the latest video uploads.  You can do that HERE.  

If you're looking to crush goals in all domains of your life: personal, physical, professional, finances, relationships - check out the 1-page tool/scorecard that I've created to ensure you're on the right path.  It's free.  Click HERE.  

Kingsman Declaration.  Kingsman Academy 

Kingsman Declaration.  Kingsman Academy 


Brian Larson

Founder - Kingsman

Creator & Master Trainer - Kingsman Academy

#34 - How to Overcome the Darkest Moments of our Life


The darkness will come.  The pain will come.  The hardship will come.  The resistance will come.  Here lies an opportunity.  An opportunity to grow as a man.  An opportunity to step into your power and rise above towards the light and an entirely new world.  

We can't always control what comes into our lives but we always control how we respond to each moment, each experience and each event.  Here is where you can measure a man.  For it's easy to remain positive, inspirational and enthusiastic amidst the good days.  

It's critical to remember that the darkest times, the struggle and the hardship will come into our lives for a very particular reason.  However, it's a choice to see this lesson or we can choose to remain blind and bound by the pain.  It's a conscious choice.  

Here is where a man can call upon his personal freedom and choose to see the underlying lesson.  Choose to have faith that he's being directed down a very particular course that he could have never done on his own.  Faith that the force has been called upon to correct his course for the better.  

His faith will carry him beyond the darkness and rise, once again, into the light.  He shall step into his power and grow from his darkness, not just go through it.  

Remember this message as the darkness falls once again.  Embrace it, for it's here to serve you.

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Can you connect the dots from previous moments of darkness in your life? 
  2. Can you see the underlying message that came with the darkness? 
  3. Have you ignored the message and lesson that has come your way?  Only to continue to live with the pain?  


#33 - How to Take Your Life, Body or Professional Life to a New Level


Often times we are too easy on ourselves. Giving ourselves an easy-out with simple phrases such as:  (I'll try.  I'll do my best.  I'll give it a 'shot'.  I don't care how I do).  This is a slick way for ourselves to not be personally responsible for our outcomes.  It puts zero pressure on us.  We don't have to feel any kind of stress, anticipation or expectations.  Sounds great in theory, but it hurts us in the long run.  We must remember that there is a good kind of stress, pressure and anticipation that comes from the form of - COMPETITION.  

It's time that we use competition as a tool and driving force.  A force to elicit more effort, more energy and a greater sense of purpose.  Harness this.  It can and will empower you to produce that extra 10%, 20% or more!  It's the difference between a $50,000 career to maybe a $100,000+ career or flourishing business.  It's the difference between an ok body and health to an elite body and health.  

The elite are competitive.  If you want to be great at something, aim to be the absolute best!  Let this drive you.  Compare yourself to the greats to condition yourself that it IS POSSIBLE.  Let this give you a purpose and a why for charging through the adversity, the obstacles and the "pain."  Harness the power of competition.  

Declare to be great.  Declare to win the game.  Put the pressure on yourself and answer the bell.  

If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more personal transformation videos and tips HERE.  

Brian Larson

Founder - Kingsman

Creator & Master Trainer @ Kingsman Academy


#32 - How We Hold Ourselves Back in Life

Learn about a recent humbling and learning experience for me, which we can all learn from. 


What holds us back in life? The commonly used culprit is, fear. But often times, it's something entirely different. When we do "this" it prevents us from ever having to even feel fear. How often do we hide behind lies, excuses and justifications? Which ultimately prevents us from experiencing life in new dimensions and progress at the rate we wish. I share a personal story to illustrate this concept of self-sabotage.

I believe: 

I believe it's important that we take the necessary time to listen closely.  Listen closely to the inner dialogue as we quickly come to a conclusion when we are presented with an opportunity, a new experience or asked if we "like" something.  Can we hear the lies, excuses and justifications that immediately come to us?  We must ask, "What's the truth here?"  

Do I really not have the time?  Do I really know if I don't like it?  Do I really know if I'm "Not that kind of person?"  Do I really know if it doesn't work?  Do I really believe that I could never do it?  Do I know that "It's just not for me."  Do I really know that I don't have the money?  Am I really too busy?  

OR  is the following the truth:  

Am I scared of looking bad?  Am I scared of losing?  Am I lacking the confidence necessary to even try?  Am I scared of failing?  Am I scared of being uncomfortable?  Am I scared of during the hard work?  Am I scared of the pressure to perform at the expectations I have of myself or other may anticipate from me?  


Our belief systems and identities are often times conditioned and shaped by parenting, schooling systems or through one or two experiences.  The slippery slope is adapting these conditioned beliefs and identities as your own, without ever having consciously assessed whether or not they are serving you and your goals.  


Start saying 'YES' to the new.  To the unfamiliar.  To the unknown.  Stipe away the conditioned beliefs and identities that are preventing you from experiencing life at new levels and dimensions.  Understand that the lack of confidence will be there because it's new, it's unfamiliar.  Make yourself vulnerable.  This is where real growth occurs. This is where an enriched and fulfilling life lies.  

Go out and intentionally get uncomfortable!  Get out and LIVE!  


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Brian Larson                                                                                                                                                    Founder - Kingsman                                                                                                                                     Creator & Master Trainer - Kingsman Academy