Your breakfast is making you fatter, more sluggish and hungry. Here's how to fix it, FAST. Be ready to feel SuperCharged!
#57 - Did I Get Fat Over Vacation? And The Lessons.
#56 - How To Not Get Fat During Vacation and Cure the Hangovers
5 Reasons Your Still Frustrated With Your Body
#54 - Why Eating Healthy Sucks and How to Make it Easier.
Why does eating healthy suck? And how can you make it easier so you can look & feel better than you did in your 20's?
Eating healthy is a mindset. We can either INTENTIONALLY frame it as "sucking" and something that is "hard" to do, or we can choose to frame it in a way that is 'enjoyable' and 'something you do FOR yourself' to look and feel your best.
Eating unhealthy is a choice. Eatings HEALTHY is a choice.
There are unhealthy options and their is an equal amount of healthy options for anything you desire to eat. You just need to learn some substitutions and add some healthy recipes to your tool box.
Healthy foods can and SHOULD taste great.
There are EASY, CONVENIENT, and AFFORDABLE healthy options to eat that will improve your health and performance.
You CAN look and feel better than you did in your 20's. Let me prove that to you.
If you're ready to see how eating healthy can taste good, be enjoyable, and convenient so you can Awaken the Ultimate You....
Click here to begin your journey
Brian Larson Mindset, Nutrition & Performance Expert B.S. Human Performance; Psychology
#53 - 11 Questions to Thrive in 2017
#52 - How to Get Her to Stop Nagging.
She's so different. Things are different. She's just not the same anymore. Man, she complains about the dumbest things! She’ll pick a fight for no reason. She blames and accuses me of false crap all of the time. I can never just go and do my thing without feeling guilty or like I’m in ‘the dog house’ for doing so.
#51 - Why Your Mornings Are Killing You.
#50 - Are You Unhappy In Your Relationship?
#49 - Top 3 Mistakes Athletes Make When the Game Stops.
It's all too common for former athletes to get out of shape, gain weight and lose their desire to train. The fact is that the game will come to an end and for many athletes, life after the game can be challenging both mentally and physically. I've found that many of these struggles are due to 3 primary mistakes made after the games are over. What can we do about them? I'll share some tips.